
Friday, April 30, 2010

I've Come To Take You With Me

"I've Come To Take You With Me
Even if i must drag you along
but first must steal your heart
then settle you in my soul.

I've come as a spring
to lay beside your blossoms
to feel the glory of happiness
and spread your flowers around.

I've come to show you off
as the adornment in my house
and elevate you to the heavens
as the prayers of those in love.

I've come to take back
the kiss you once stole
either return it with grace
or i must take it by force.

You're my life
you're my soul
please be my last prayer
my heart must hold you forever.

From the lowly earth
to the high human soul
there are a lot more
than a thousand stages.

Since i've taken you along
from town to town
no way will i abandon
you halfway down this road.

Though you're in my hands
though I can throw you around
like a child and a ball
i'll always need to chase after you..."

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

The way to the Beloved

/ Photo by A-Daly /

Abu Said Khair once said:

"The shortest way to the Beloved is through selfless service and generosity to all of the Beloved's creatures."
"If you are seeking closeness to the Beloved, love everyone. whether in their presence or absence, see only their good. if you want to be as clear and refreshing as the breath of the morning breeze, like the sun have nothing but warmth and light for everyone."

In a similar notes Sa'di Shirazi had said

"Higher spiritual life is nothing but service of humanity, It is not the rosary, or prayer carpet, or woolen robes."

Shaikh Abu Said Khair (967 - 1049) was one of the earlier Sufi poets who lived more than two centuries before Jelaluddin Rumi. He lived in Mayhana in what is modern day Turkmenistan, just north of Iran and Afghanistan in Central Asia.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Though you are wise

Today peom is by Lalla, a great saint and mystic from the Kashmir province of India. She lived in the 14th Century. Her poems, formed an important part of Kashmiri language and culture and are still very much revered today.

--- Though you are wise ----

Though you are wise, be as a fool;
Though you can see, be as one blind;
Though you can hear, be as one deaf;
Patiently bear with all you meet,
and politely talk to eveyone.
This practice surely will lead you
to the realisation of the Truth.
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yang lebih baik dari anak dara!

Apabila Tuhan membukakan bagimu suatu jalan untuk bermakrifat (mengenal padaNya), maka jangan menghiraukan soal amalmu yang masih sedikit, sebab Tuhan tidak membukakan bagimu, melainkan Ia akan memperkenalkan diriNya kepadamu. Tidakkah kau ketahui bahawa makrifat itu semata-mata pemberian kurnia Allah kepadamu, sedang amal perbuatanmu hadiah daripadamu, maka di manakah letak perbandingannya antara hadiahmu dengan pemberian kurnia Allah kepadamu – Mutiara kata Shaikh Ibu Atho’illah dari kitab Al-Hikam.

Makrifat (mengenal) kepada Allah dengan sebenar pengenalan adalah kemuncak keuntungan seorang hamba (tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan ganjaran atau kedudukan lain didunia ini walau apa pun jua. Maka apabila Tuhan telah membukakan bagimu suatu jalan untuk berserta keinginan yang kuat untuk mengenal kepadaNya, maka bersyukur dan bergembiralah. Dan tidak usah kau hiraukan berapa banyak amal perbuatanmu meskipun masih sangat sedikit amal kebaikanmu dan masih terasa jauh perjalananmu. Sebab makrifat itu suatu kurnia pemberian langsung dari Allah, maka ia sekali-kali tidak tergantung kepada banyak atau sedikitnya amal kebaikan.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda dari riwayat Abu Hurairah ra. Allah berfirman: Apabila Aku menguji hambaKu yang beriman, kemudian ia tidak mengeluh kepada pengunjung pengunjungnya, maka Aku lepaskan ia dari ikatanKu dan Aku gantikan baginya daging dan darah yang lebih baik dari yang asal, dan ia boleh memperbaharui amal, sebab yang lalu telah diampuni semua.

Diriwayatkan lagi: Allah telah menurunkan wahyu kepada salah seorang Nabi s.a.w. Aku telah menurunkan bala (berupa ujian) kepada seorang hamba maka ia berdoa, dan tetap Aku tunda permintaannya, akhirnya ia mengeluh, maka Aku berkata kepadanya: Hambaku, bagaimana Aku akan melepaskan daripadamu rahmat yang justru bala itu mengandungi rahmatKu.

Kerana dengan segala kelakuan kebaikanmu engkau tidak dapat sampai ke tingkat yang akan Aku berikan padamu, maka dengan bala itulah engkau dapat mencapai tingkat dan kedudukan di sisi Allah.

Suburkan lah keinginan dirimu untuk bermakrifat (mengenal) Allah kerana disitulah letaknya keuntungan hakiki. Kelazatan ibadat orang yang makrifat kepada Allah disebut di dalam kitab-kitab sufi sebagai sebuah pengalaman ibadat yang tiada bandingannya. Kalau hendak dibandingkan juga ia terlebih lazat dari ketika bersatu dengan anak dara yang baru dikahwini. Sebab tu mereka ini dapat duduk berjam-jam (hatta berhari-hari dan setengahnya berbulan-bulan hatta bertahun-tahun) berzikir dan bermunazat tanpa rasa penat, mengantok dan letih..Mungkin sukar untuk digambarkan.

Adaptasi dari Terjemahan Al-Hikam oleh H.Salim Bahreisy

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Friday, April 16, 2010

Love of the Prophet!

The first time I read a book on the life of the prophet was in 1984. The title of the book was "MUHAMMAD, THE BENEFACTOR OF HUMANITY" by Nayeem Siddiqi. It is considered one of the best book on the life of the prophet pbuh. There were so many exemplary stories told in the book about the life of the prophet and his sahabah but there was one story that really moved my heart. After 26 years i could still remember it very well. It is about the love of the prophet pbuh by the Ansar. The story goes like this.

When Prophet Muhammad pbuh entered Mecca a large quantity of booty- 24,000 camels, 400,000 goats 4,000 measures of silver – was collected at Ja’arana and as usual one-fifth of it was taken by the prophet pbuh for collective use and for relieving poverty the rest was distributed.

The Quraish was given a larger shared which angered some of the Ansars at the prophet's generosity at the cost of those who had staked their lives to support him and fought his battles.

Some Ansars were saying “We are called for help in adversity but the fruit of victory goes to others.”

When the Prophet heard this he called together the Ansars and asked them if the rumours were true. The Ansar confessed that there was such talk but only among irresponsible youths.

Then the Prophet said:“Is it not true that you were in the wrong and God gave you right guidance through me? That you were divided and God united you through me? That you were poor and God made you prosperous through me?’ At every sentence the Ansar cried, “Truly, we are greatly indebted to God and His Prophet.”

The Prophet again said, “No, you should say, O Muhammad! When people denied you we believed in you. When you were abandoned by the Quraish we sheltered you. When you came to us in poverty we gave you every help. And at every sentence I will say, ‘Yes, it is true.’ But O Ansar! Do you not like that while others take with them camels and goats, you take Muhammad with you.” This statement by the prophet moved the Ansar so much that torrents of tears began to wet their beards and they emotionally cried out, “We want only Muhammad and nothing else.” When the Prophet quietly explained to them the reasons which necessitated sympathetic treatment of the Quraish they really understood it.

They realized it, that there is nothing in this world equal to the love of the prophet. The Ansar know it very much in their heart. The worldy richness, even when the whole world turn into gold and presented to them it still cannot match their love for him. That is why they cried out “We want only Muhammad and nothing else.”

The prophet one day was reported cried out yearning for his ummah when he was sitting with his companions who asked him about the reason, he said" I yearn for my brothers "They said "Are not we your brothers?" He said :"No,you are my friends, my brothers are those who embrace Islam without seeing me "

Now even though prophet Muhammad is no longer with us, we can still shows our affection and love toward him by saying much salawat to him...

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Friday, April 9, 2010

Give me your big Smile !

Today I stumble upon an awesome video on the internet with an amazing soundtrack that will put a smile on your face today. It’s the story of a parking attendant who makes people smile. And becomes famous for it.

Until… he walks into the DMV and falls for a women who doesn’t believe in smiling.

It is really funny, inspiring and will leave you beaming. I am sharing this with you all. You should watch it now! (Todate more then 3.3 million people around the globe have already watched this on YouTube)

Share this video with your loves one.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Friday, April 2, 2010

How could I ever thank my Friend?

This is another good poem by Saadi (1207? - 1291) entitled "How could I ever thank my Friend?". His real name was Sheikh Muslihu'd-Din, was a descended from Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed. Saadi is probably the first Persian poet to have been translated into European languages. A German version of the Gulistan appeared in 1654. There is a real good deals of sufi message was told by Saadi in this poem in a very nice and subtle ways.

How could I ever thank my Friend?
No thanks could ever begin to be worthy.
Every hair of my body is a gift from Him;
How could I thank Him for each hair?
Praise that lavish Lord forever
Who from nothing conjures all living beings!
Who could ever describe His goodness?
His infinite glory lays all praise waste.
Look, He has graced you a robe of splendor
From childhood's first cries to old age!
He made you pure in His own image; stay pure.
It is horrible to die blackened by sin.
Never let dust settle on your mirror's shining;
Let it once grow dull and it will never polish.
When you work in the world to earn your living
Do not, for one moment, rely on your own strength.
Self-worshiper, don't you understand anything yet?
It is God alone that gives your arms their power.
If, by your striving, you achieve something good,
Don't claim the credit all for yourself;
It is fate that decides who wins and who loses
And all success streams only from the grace of God.
In this world you never stand by your own strength;
It is the Invisible that sustains you every moment.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark