
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sow Flowers

Sow flowers to make a garden bloom around you,
The thorns you sow will prick your own feet.

Arrows shot at others
Will return to hit you as they fall.

You yourself will come to teeter on the lip
Of a well dug to undermine another.

Though you look at others with contempt,
It's you whose body will be reduced to dust.

Humanity is all one body;
To torture another is simply to wound yourself.

When you don't look for faults in others,
They will conceal your weaknesses in return.

Make your path straight now, by the bright light of day;
For pitch darkness will come without warning.

Consider no wickedness insignificant, however slight;
For the little deeds of darkness soon pile up.

If another does you harm, return them good;
Or evil will devour you too.

The heart that is safe in the storm
Is the one which carries
Others' burdens
Like a

-- from The Poetry of Rahman Baba: Poet of the Pashtuns, translated by Robert Sampson and Momin Khan

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Knowledge said to me, Love is madness;
Love said to me, Knowledge is calculation—
O slave of calculation, do not be a bookworm!
Love is Presence entire, Knowledge nothing but a Veil.
The universe is moved by the warmth of Love;
Knowledge deals with the Attributes, Love is a vision of the Essence;
Love is peace and permanence, Love is Life and Death:
Knowledge is the rising question, Love is the hidden answer.
Kingdom, faith and faqr are all miracles of Love;
The crowned kings and lords are base slaves of Love;
Love is the Space and the Creation, Love is Time and Earth!
Love is conviction entire, and conviction is the key!
The luxury of destination is forbidden in the religion of Love;
Fighting the storms is permitted, but the comfort of the shore is forbidden;
Lightning is permitted to Love, Harvest is forbidden.
Knowledge is the child of the Book, Love is the mother of the Book.

~ Allama Muhammad Iqbal

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark