
Saturday, October 17, 2009

He's the One

He’s the one sitting next to you,
in the bus you ride everyday to work.

He’s the one selling drinks at the junction,
the one you won’t even bother to look at.

He’s the one in sky-priced suits,
the man your boss once had lunch with.

He could be the one asking to shine your shoes for a coin.
He could be the one driving mercedes in his armani.
He could be anyone you see once in your life.
You look but you don’t really see.

By all means: Did you really search?

What do you look for :
Path to God, or just beard, turban, and robes?

Neither turbans nor robes,
he doesn’t even have to ‘look right’ for you :
no bride dress up but to her Lover’s liking.
God’s highest nobles are kept unseen in ordinariness.

Why tell you who he is,
or when, or where,
we’re not even worth to be told:
what have we done,
to think we deserve such honor?

The messenger for your soul.
The one can lead you to the path,
understands every single secret from the life of yours,
answers every single question you need to ask.

He’s the slave to one God,
serves only to one master.

Slaves won’t come,
no matter how loud you shout:
they can only be met
by permission from the master.

By all means: did you really ask?

‘By all means.’
Did you?

“And they say: Why does this messenger eat food,
and walk abouts in the markets?
Why is not an angel sent down to him,
to be a warner with him?” *

(By Herry Mardian - 2006)
Image from here

* Q. S. [25] Al-Furqaan : 7, “Dan mereka berkata: ‘Mengapa rasul ini memakan makanan dan berjalan di pasar-pasar (seperti kita) ? Mengapa tidak diturunkan padanya malaikat agar malaikat itu memberikan peringatan bersama-sama dengan dia?’”

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

1 comment:

  1. How easily you have conveyed such a powerful message in a very simplified manner. It adds strength to the maxim that those who seek shall find.


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