
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Abraham & Hicks - Self Appreciation (Part 1 & 2)

You are not just this physical body. SELF includes the larger part of you that is non physical in nature - pure, positive, Source energy (God/Life Force/Universal/Soul/Higher Self) AND the physical you.

SELF means the Broader TOTAL You =.Physical you + Non physical You, which is WHO-YOU-REALLY-ARE.

Most of you have been persuaded by others that you are vulnerable, that you are powerless, that you must prove yourselves worthy. In others lack of appreciation (disconnection) of Self, they have convinced you that you should also not appreciate yourself.
Do you like yourself?
Do you acknowledge your own value?
Do you recognise your personal power?
Do you criticise yourself?
Do you feel not good enough, unworthy, undeserving?
Do you feel unlovable, unloved?

These negative thoughts about yourself are so contradictory to that which your broader SELF holds of you that you FEEL negative emotion. Negative emotion is your emotional guidance telling you that the thoughts you are thinking are holding yourself apart from who-you-really-are.

When you think thoughts that are not in harmony with the total you, you feel a separation. Emotions such as fear, guilt, revenge, insecurity, hatred, anger, blame, frustration are your indicators telling you how close or far away in relationship to the truth that the thoughts you are thinking really are.

The better you feel, the more in tune you are with who-you-really-are.

Are you SELF-ish enough to learn to focus on feeling good, irrelevant of the conditions that surround you?

Can you acknowledge yourself as the pure and perfect, eternally growing, attractive, creative being that you are?

Learn to recognise the connection between your thoughts & words with how you are FEELING and then connect that with what you are attracting/living. And you will see a consistent correlation.

Because the way you feel about YOU is the very basis of attraction.

Your reality, your real life experience, is nothing more than a balance of your thoughts.

If you want to make the world a better place, it starts with loving, appreciating and making peace with YOU. When you feel good, you are in a place to uplift others. When you feel good, you attract to you all the resources of the Universe to support you. When you feel good, you inspire all those around you to do the same.

Good Feels Good!

In Appreciation:

Excerpt from Self Appreciation CD

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

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