
Friday, February 19, 2010

The Visit

ONE day at the dawn
The fair idol entered my door
And woke me from my sleep
Of slothful ignorance.
The secret chamber of my soul
Was illumined by His face,
And my being was revealed to me
In its true light.
I heaved a sigh of wonder
When I saw that fair face.
He spoke to me, saying,
"All thy life thou has sought
Name and fame;
This self-seeking of thine
Is an illusion, keeping thee back from Me.
To glance at My face for an instant
Is worth a thousand years of devotion."

Yes, the face of that world-adorner
Was shown unveiled before mine eyes;
My soul was darkened with shame
To remember my lost life,
My wasted days.

Poem by SA’D UD DIN MAHMŪD SHABISTARĪ who was born at Shabistar, near Tabriz, about A.D. 1250. He wrote the Gulshan i Rāz, or Secret Rose Garden, as a reply to questions put forth by a Sūfī doctor of Herat named Dmir Syad Hosaini.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. All thy life thou has sought,....

    macam ayat-ayat dalam game shadow of colaseus PS2.
    susah nak fahamlah...

    game tu pun tak habis main lagi dah hampir 2 tahun tak dapat nak cari jalan untuk membunuh ketuanya yang last sekali... bila boring ajer garu kepala...

  2. Kita pun tak faham game shadow of colaseus PS2 tu sebab tak pernah tengok....

  3. Nice post, kind of drawn out though. Really good subject matter though.


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