
Monday, May 24, 2010

Nothing Lasts Forever

----Nothing lasts forever -----
No one lives forever.
Keep that in mind,
And love,

Our life is not the same old burden,
Our path is not the same long journey,
The flower fades and dies,
We must pause to weave,
Perfection in music,
Keep that in mind,
And love.

My beloved,
In you I find refuge.
Love droops towards sunset,
To be drowned in golden shadows,
Love must be called from its play,
And love must be born again to be free,
Keep that in mind,
And love.

My beloved,
In you I find refuge,
Without seeing my love,
I cannot sleep.
Lets us hurry to gather our flowers,
Before they are plundered by the passing winds,
It quickens our blood,
And brightens our eyes,
To snatch kisses that would vanish,
If we delayed.
Our life is eager,
Our desires are keen
For time rolls by,
Keep that in mind,
And love.

My beloved,
In you I find refuge.
Beauty is sweet for a short time,
And then it is gone,
Knowledge is precious,

But we will never have time to complete it,
All is done and finished,
In eternal heaven,
But our life here is eternally fresh,
Keep that in mind,
And love.
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

1 comment:

  1. assalamualaikum...,

    apa kata sahabat buat satu ulasan dari poem ini mengikut pemahaman sahabat... insyallah renungan lebih terbuka dari pengalaman seorang amateur kepada seorang amateur


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