
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Each, Alone

Each, Alone
We help each other discover a path,
We help each other travel the path,
Yet each must walk alone on their personal path,
Each must surrender alone, in private.
No one else can surrender for us,
No one else can take away the separation
that we have chosen.
No one else can surrender for us,
No one else can take away the pain
that we have chosen.
Oh Beloved, I walk alone,
into Your arms.
Each in their own time,
into Your arms.
Each in their own way,
into Your arms.
Each, alone, one by one,
into Your arms.
Each, alone, by their own desire,
into Your arms.
Each, alone, one by one,
into Sweet Surrender.

Wahiduddin from Rendezvous with the Beloved 

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. RBain, long time no see...

    Salam eidulfitri buat Rbain sekeluarga. Maaf Zahir batin andai ada tersilap kata dan bahasa...

    PS: Kalau ke Terengganu, jemputlah mai beraya ke rumah saya;)

  2. Salam Aidulfitri kpd Fida rakan yg setia;

    Insyaallah saya akan ke perak dan kemungkinan juga akan ke Chini Pahang. Terlalu jauh rasanya untuk sampai ke Terengganu. Pernah sekali sahaja lalu di Terangganu 15 tahun lalu.

    Maaf zahir & batin atas salah dan silap.


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