
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Knowledge is to understand who you are.

Knowledge is to understand
To understand who you are.
If you know not who you are
What's the use of learning?

The aim in learning is
To understand God's Truth.
Because without knowledge
It is wasted hard labour.

Do not say: I know it all,
I am obedient to my God.
If you know not who God is
That is sheer idle talk.

Twenty-eight syllables
You read from end to end.
You name the first `alpha''
What can it possibly mean?

Yunus Emre says also
Let me receive what I need.
The best possible thing
Is to find perfect peace.

Poem by Yunus Emre (AD. 1240 - 1320)

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. Rbain...

    Thanks for the sharing...InsyaAllah, i'm trying to take off all those..i wish i can travel thru light;) ...hehe

  2. Insyallah along the way, when we are ready, that knowledge will brought to us..but the path is tough to follow. The main block is our ownself, ie our ego and our knowledge. That what has been said by the Master who know the path. To be able to travel through light you should get yourself lighther and lighter. Attachement to the worldly things drag us down. Detachment from all, work for the opposite.

  3. i'm still finding the knowledge which leads me to know who i am...

    but sometime i feel that i dont want it to be found cause i scare ... i will stop to find it.. hence no route to lead me ...

    i pray... i continue to find it till i feel that i am on the right way to understand who i am... insyaAllah..

    thanks for sharing...

  4. We are all scared at some stage of our searching, Hafiz was also scared when he said "I needed great courage to go out into the dark, tracking God into the unknown". So do Rumi and many others. I have been filtering the material posted here to make it less "scary" for everyone.

    My advice is, when that feeling emerged, you may need to stop for a while. You can stop for a few days or weeks or months or even years before starting again. Continue praying so that the path be reopen for you.

    This blog is meant for sharing the knowledge and experience on the subject.


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