
Friday, July 23, 2010

Prophets and the Martyrs will envy them !

It is reported by Sayidina Omar r.a, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said:

“Surely, some of God blessed servants are neither Prophets nor Martyrs; they are special People, who on the Day of Reckoning, the Prophets and the Martyrs will envy them for their ranks and nearness to their God.”
“A Companion asked,
“O Messenger of God (pbuh), who are they, and what kind of deeds do they perform so that we may love Them as well?"

Messenger of God (pbuh) said,
“They are People who love one another in God, even though they have no consanguineous (of the same blood or origin) ties, money to exchange or worldly business to barter with. I swear by God on the Reckoning, their faces will be effulgent lights and they will be raised on Pulpits of Light. They will not be subject to fear when the creation is seized by the awesomeness of the Day of Resurrection, nor will they be subjected with sorrow when the rest of creation will be seized by it." He then recited from Surah Yunus: 62, أَلَا إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاءَ اللَّهِ لَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ “Surely, God’s Deputies (Aulia) are not subject to fear (both in this world and the next, for they will always find My help and support with them) nor shall they grieve”
So who are these people and what are their characteristic?  You may find some of the answer from our earlier posting...
Who is these so call Aulia-ul-Allah (In Malay)
Realities of those who knows (In Malay)

Even though we may not be one of them, at least we must have the firm believe that they do exist on this earth, around us, even today. Only their identity is kept secret from us.

أَوْلِيآئِى تَحْتَ قُبَابِي لَا يَعْرِفُهُمْ غَيْرى My friends are under My Dome where no one recognize them except me."

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. SubhanaAllah..

    Even prophets and the martyrs envy them...

  2. They rank special because of the "secret and hidden knowledge" that they keep within them that make them so special. I believe this knowledge is refering to knowledge of self and Allah.

    Abu Huraira said in an authentic hadith mentioned in Bukhari, "The Prophet (saw) has poured into my heart two kinds of knowledge: one I have spread to people and the other, if I were to share it, they would cut my throat."

    This knowledge refer to the hidden knowledge, knowledge of the heart.

    Some muslim do not agree to this interpretation as they said Islam is a complete relegion thus no knowledge is kept secret.


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