
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Even if the two worlds were prison cells
They would be orchard gardens for me,
When the Friend bestows His favor
On me, I am not sad, I do not grieve.

If I were the slave of the Friend
I would flower like an opening rose,
I would be the nightingale singing of love,
I would live in the rose garden of love.

My eyes have seen the Beloved's face,
And my face is dust to the friends of God,
But for those who understand
My words, they are sweet sugar cane.

If you give up the claims of the world
And fly up all the way to the Beloved,
If you drink the wine of love,
You will certainly be drunk with enchantment.

If I cannot see You, both this world
And the hereafter are prison cells
For my eyes. Whoever knows Your love
Must surely be the purest and the best.

My inner self has never tired of Your love,
My tongue speaks of You in spite of myself,
Yunus, may these words of yours
Be an epic tale for all the worlds.

Poem by Yunus Emre (AD. 1240 - 1320)

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. Hahaha...jawapan kepada soalan tu boleh Ya dan tidak.

    Kalau saya kata ya, Allah tak marah, tp manusia kata saya tipu. Kalau saya kata tidak, dua-dua anggap saya benar. (Ayat ni mgkn buat Fida pening..)

    Anyway kan kat label tu dah letak category Poem -Yunus Emre.

  2. Ahaaa..hehe...

    saya tak perasan label tu Rbain, dalam hati memang dah kagum dah sebab ingatkan hasil karya Rbain:)

  3. Insyallah suatu hari nanti saya yakin saya boleh menghasilkan puisi seperti itu. Yes, suatu hari nanti..

    Fida mgkn tak pernah dengar kisah seorang yg bernama Daniel Ladinsky yg mencipta puisi indah seakan-akan puisi Hafiz yg terkenal setelah 6 bulan beliau terlibat di dalam penterjemahan karya-karya klasik Hafiz..

    Bagaimana beliau dapat menghasilkan puisi-puisi tersebut? Mengikut cerita, beliau bermimpi Hafiz datang dan menyebut puisi itu kepadanya. Peristiwa ini berlaku di dalam tahun 1992..

    Cuba lihat apa yang dikatakan oleh Rumi..

    If you could get rid
    of yourself just once,
    The secret of secrets
    Would open to you.
    The face of the unknown,
    Hidden beyond the universe
    Would appear on the
    Mirror of your perception.

    Cuba fahami rahsia apa yg dikatakan oleh rumi, walaupun ia mungkin akan mengambil masa seluruh hidup Fida.

  4. sebenarnya zakir tak berapa pahem bahasa poem orang putih nihhh... maklumlah tak pandai....

    tuan arbain tu sebenarnya dah teror dah cuma dia malu-malu meowwwww!!!!!

  5. Hehehe..Zakir sejak bila pulak awak kenal saya ni.?

    Kita semua serupa aje..perjalanan kita mencari kesamaannya kita dan bukan perbezaan. Beza membeza antara kita hanya menambah kecelaruan dlm memahami hakikat diri.

    Cuba-cuba lah memahaminya poem di Who Am I ni, walaupun terpaksa buka dictionary...


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