
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Power of Silence

A story is told about a woman who went to a healer and said to him, 'My husband is very bad tempered. Every evening when he comes home he scolds me and there is quarrel that ends in a very disgraceful manner. Can you give me a remedy for it?' The healer said, 'Certainly,' and gave her seven pieces of candy, explaining, 'These are charmed pieces of candy. When your husband comes home, put one of these in your mouth.' When I did so, and that evening there was no quarrel: such a miracle, after ten years of continuing quarreling! The next day the woman went to the healer, thanked him a thousand times and told him that he had done such a miracle. She said, 'I do not know what to do to thank you. I want you to give me a big box of that candy which might last for some time.' the healer answered, 'The candy is not necessary, silence is needed.' This teaches us that often we quarrel only because of our speech. Silence is a great peacemaker. 'Blessed are the peacemakers.'
The Art of Being - Inayat Khan

"For the ignorant there is no better rule than silence and if he knew its advantage he would not be ignorant."


If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark

1 comment:

  1. assalamulaikum

    silence must be heard

    Senyap itu manisan bagi ku,
    tunduk segala nafsu yang meronta kalbu,
    telah hilanglah segala seteru, hingga beku kalam di bawah AKU


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