
Thursday, November 11, 2010

A wonderful Sufi quote:

"In fact, what separates man from divine Reality is but a thin partition: God is infinitely close to man, but man is infinitely far from God. This partition, for man is a mountain; man stands in front of a mountain which he must remove with his own hands. He digs away the earth, but in vain, the mountain remains; man however goes on digging, in the name of God. And the mountain vanishes. It was never there."

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears - Glenn Clark


  1. Salam Rbain..

    lama tak bersiaran..moga Rbain sekeluarga sihat2 di sana, dan sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah...

    PS: Dah melawat suami kak tirana?

  2. good share, great article, very usefull for us...thanks!

  3. Salam,

    ye lah fida, saya hanya berkongsi setakat yg mampu. Kadang2 pening jgk fikir apa yg boleh nak kongsi dan apa yg tak boleh nak kongsi...

    Hari tu kak tirana kata jgn ziarah husband dia sbb doktor kata takut jangkit kuman. Skrg tak tahu lah dah diizinkan ke atau belum.

    Husband dia buat Matrikulasi kat sekolah yang sama dgn saya tahun 1981.


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